Cultivating Champions in MEDDICC

Matt Payne
Sep 25, 2024By Matt Payne

As a Sales leader, identifying and nurturing Champions within your target accounts is a game-changing strategy. This vital component of MEDDICC can significantly accelerate your sales cycle and improve win rates. Let's explore why Champions matter and how you can leverage them to drive your sales success.

Why Champions Matter

A Champion is an internal advocate within your prospect's organization who believes in your solution and actively promotes it to other stakeholders. Here's why they're crucial:

1. Inside Access: Champions provide valuable insights into their organization's internal workings, politics, and decision-making processes.

2. Credibility: Their endorsement lends credibility to your solution, as they're seen as a trusted insider.

3. Influence: Champions can sway other stakeholders and help overcome objections.

4. Urgency: They can help create and maintain momentum in the sales process.

Portrait of young man holding trophy, standing in conference room, smiling to applauding audience

Characteristics of an Effective Champion

1. Power and Influence
They should be able to impact decisions and access key stakeholders, including the Economic Buyer.

2. Vested Interest
Your Champion should have a personal stake in the success of your solution, whether for career advancement, solving a pressing problem, or achieving a key objective.

3. Willingness to Act
They must proactively promote your solution, even when you're not present.

Strategies for Identifying and Nurturing Champions

1. Look for Pain Ownership
Identify individuals who are directly responsible for solving the problem your solution addresses.

2. Assess Organizational Influence
Evaluate their connections and respect within the organization. Do others seek their opinion?

3. Educate and Empower
Equip your Champion with the knowledge and tools they need to advocate for your solution effectively.

4. Create a Shared Vision of Success
Help your Champion visualize how your solution will positively impact their role and the organization.

5. Maintain Regular Communication
Keep your Champion informed and engaged throughout the sales process.

Work hard and your win will come around

Implementing a Champion-Focused Strategy in Your Organization

1. Develop Champion Identification Criteria: Create a checklist of characteristics and behaviors that indicate a potential Champion.

2. Train on Champion Development: Teach your team how to identify, nurture, and leverage Champions effectively.

3. Create Champion Enablement Materials: Develop resources that Champions can use to promote your solution internally.

4. Incorporate Champion Tracking in CRM: Add fields to track Champion information, activities, and influence level for each opportunity.

5. Implement Champion Health Checks: Regularly assess the strength and engagement of your Champions as part of your deal review process.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

1. Mistaking a Fan for a Champion: Not everyone who likes your solution has the influence or willingness to be an influential Champion.

2. Over-relying on a Single Champion: While powerful, a single Champion can leave you vulnerable. Aim to cultivate multiple Champions where possible.

3. Neglecting to Test Your Champion: Regularly validate your Champion's influence and commitment through specific actions.

4. Failing to Reciprocate: Remember that the relationship should be mutually beneficial. Look for ways to add value to your Champion's career or objectives.

person writing on white notebook


Mastering the Champion component of MEDDICC can dramatically improve your team's ability to navigate complex sales cycles and close high-value deals. You'll gain a significant competitive advantage in your target accounts by systematically identifying, nurturing, and leveraging Champions.

Remember, developing Champions is an ongoing process that requires patience, strategy, and genuine relationship-building. Encourage your team to invest time in understanding potential champions' motivations and objectives and consistently demonstrate the value of your solution to their personal and organizational goals.

With a strong Champion strategy in place, you'll find your deals moving faster, encountering fewer obstacles, and closing at higher rates. Your ability to cultivate and leverage Champions can be the difference between hitting your targets and leaving revenue on the table.